
Showing posts from March, 2016

Brown and Kessler win NZ Ironman

NZ Ironman weekley news Cameron Brown has smashed the record for IRON MAN 2016. Cameron Brown has won 12 Iron man in a row.  Meredith Kessler won it second over all first in her age group. Meredith Kessler  has won her age  group. She has smashed her own time every time. Meredith Kessler is from the USA she flys over here every year. Cameron Brown is the oldest man ever to win Taupo full Iron man 2016. Iron man is a 4km swim 180km bike 42.2km run. Cameron Brown is the 10th person out of the water it takes him about 1 hour and 5 mins and 5 hours on the bike and 2 hour on the run. Cameron Brown is a kiwi he lives in Auckland. I went down there because my mum  did the full Iron man she go 2nd in her age group. The day before the race I did a kids fun run 2km I got 5th over all.

Moa bones found in South Canterbury

In South Canterbury some people were playing on the beach and some bones they did not know what they were from. Some people came along and said what have you found they called a few guys. All the bones were Moa bones it was a giant feamale Moa. They are trying to find out how it got killed. The Moa was 2m tall and when jump it was 3.5m of the ground. All the bones were taken to a Museum in South Canterbury. Moa were known as the biggest bird  in the world.

All Blacks win Wellington Sevens

My Weekly news All Blacks win Wellington Sevens The All Black rugby Sevens team won the cup for 2016. The score was 24 21 to the All Blacks they thought they had it in the first half 21 to 7 to the All Blacks they were vs South Africa. At half time there coach Gordon Tietjens thought it was done and dusted  but South Africa came back at them. In the second half South Africa scored three cool tries what made 21 to 24. I have been watching the sevens for a long time and the All Blacks sevens are 3rd on the table.                                                

Hunting for goats

On the weekends Hunter, Dad and I went down to Kawakawa Bay. We called the man that we are just going get to shot to big billy goats for there first goats and the man said yes so we headed to the  back of the farm there were lots and lots of goats. When we got to the top we had a look at the view we could see the sky tower the there was a view where ever we looked. I had the first shot BANG dam I missed the goat was running I took anther shot then I got him then he just roiled into the bush I was so happy. We walked about 500 meters to the bush line. There were to bill goats and one nanny Hunter thought they were to small   we had to look for anther we could not see any. We sore a big billy in the gully he took a shot from 50 meters and got him. The gun we were using was 308 hunting rifle what most hunters in NZ use . We had a great day I am still thinking about it.

Lucky Toddler Gets 'Trapped' Inside A Candy Machine

Imagine your kid being trapped inside a candy  machine  how bad will that be. In Perth in   Australi a just after a   birthday    party with his mother. The little toddler called Cohen was in his pushchair his mother just looked away for a second when his mother looked back he was gone she looked in the  machine  and he was in there but she had thought she was dreaming she looked again he was eating lollies. They don't know how he got in there if has climb through the hole or jumped over the top or some one has locked him in there. He was trapped in there for two and a half hours. They tryed all the keys in the shop none of them hit. They got a guy to cut the glass. The little kid was out his mum was so happy.