
Showing posts from July, 2016

Art Reflection

Ohakuna carrot Rugby grand stand Hunting farming Ironman Terms 2 for art we have been doing our vision boards. Vision boards are what is in portent about you and you'r family. So I have Ohakuna on mine because my dad was born there. I have the ngatea grand stand there because I have played rugby all my life. The gun stands for hunting because we go hunting a lot. The troctor and the cows stands for farming because we spend a lot of time on the farm. The M stands for ironman because we cravel all over the world for ironman. If you don't know what ironman is it is 4km swim 180km bike and a 42.2km run.

Three Kiwi Teams In Super Rugby Semis

 On the 25th of July 2016 it was the quarter finals. The three New Zealand teams Highlanders, Hurricanes and Chiefs have made t into the semi finals. The Highlanders are going to vs the Lions and the Hurricanes are going to vs the Chiefs. Last weekend the Chiefs went over to South Africa and played the Stormers and the Hurricanes went over to South Africa and played the Sharks. The Crusaders went over to South Africa and played the Lions and lost.But the Highlanders played the Waratahs in New Zealand. The score for all of the games were 15 to 9 to the Highlanders 41 to 0 to the Hurricanes 60 to 21 to the Chiefs and 42 to 25 to the Lions.

Mason's reporting on Imogen’s holiday

Highlights: Rock climbing jump and shopping in Hamilton, When she went rock climbing she went up side down for her first time and at jump she played dodge ball. She liked the ones that are upside down the best because she finally got to know how to do it. When she went shopping she brought a lot of stuff.


A nice sunny morning at Pauanui for weekend. 8:30 in the  morning we walked up mount Pauanui for a couple of hours we came back down. came back for nice lunch donuts and cake. We went down to the wharf and jumped just before I jumped there was a big king fish swam under us. We were doing flips of the wharf. We went to the beach after and went surfing and boogie boarding. People surf casting of the the beach. You see lots of fish in the waves it is a big school of fish. Finally we go home and have a rest.

Fry breed

Yesterday I made fry breed with Mrs Heaven. First we had to get a cup and fill it quarter of the way up the cup with warm water. Then we had to put half a tea spoon of sugar into the water and stir around an till it desolves. After it has desolves you had to put half a tea spoon of yeast and just let it sit there. Then we had to get a cup of flower into the boil and pour the cup of water into the boil and stir it around for a little bit. Then we kipped on stiring an tell it got quite hard to stir. Then you had to take it out and put it on the table and roll it around for a little bit then we had to put it into a ball. After a little while we had to flat it down then we had to chuck it into the frying pane with water in it. We had to leave it in there for a little bit and then flip it other antil it is ready or you think it is ready. We had to get a plate and put our fry breed on it and have golden syrup on it if you want or you could of had jam.

Why does the kia have a curved beak

Once there was a kid called Lottor and he loved exploring around his place. The bush was full of native birds , Lottors favourite was the Kia, They were always up to no good ,Taking stuff ,breaking and stealing things. He thought they were funny. Lottor was building onto his hunting cabin one afternoon and every time he put down a tool the cheeky Kia would take it away. He spent most of his time chasing the birds trying to find his tools. Not getting much done. Lottor decided to play a trick on the birds. He started leaving bigger and heavier tools around the place thinking that it would make it harder for him to carry the tools away. But the Kia’s worked together and still managed to take them away. Lottor was trying hard to come up with a new plan, He decided to glue the tools to the tree. The Kia came down and tried to take his hammer, he rapped his beak around the hammer and pulled and pulled and PULLED… He pulled so hard that he bent his beak. The Kia soon discovered that it ...


Pepeha Ko Mount Te Aroha (mountain) toku maunga. My mountain is Mount Te Aroha. Ko Wikatoe river (river) toku awa My river is Wikatoe river. Ko Thames (sea/harbour) toku moana My harbour/sea is Thames. Ko New Zealand (tribe/nationality) toku iwi. My tribe is New Zealand. Ko New Zealand (place where you are from) I am from New Zealand. Ko Ngatea primary school (school) toku Kura My School is Ngatea primary school. Ko Brian (father) toku matua. My father is Brian. Ko Seraen (mother) toku whaea My mother is Seraen. Ko Mason (your name) toku ingoa. My name is Mason. No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all

Planet X' May Exist: New Evidence for Another World in Our Solar System

An all new planet has been discovered by a scientist of the name of Mike Brown. Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune and now planet X is sitting quite comfortably in our solar system even thought it only comes around every 15,000 years that is visible to our telescopes.