
Ko Mount Te Aroha (mountain) toku maunga.
My mountain is Mount Te Aroha.
Ko Wikatoe river (river) toku awa
My river is Wikatoe river.
Ko Thames (sea/harbour) toku moana
My harbour/sea is Thames.
Ko New Zealand (tribe/nationality) toku iwi.
My tribe is New Zealand.
Ko New Zealand (place where you are from)
I am from New Zealand.
Ko Ngatea primary school (school) toku Kura
My School is Ngatea primary school.
Ko Brian (father) toku matua.
My father is Brian.
Ko Seraen (mother) toku whaea
My mother is Seraen.
Ko Mason (your name) toku ingoa.
My name is Mason.
No Reira, Tena koutou, Tena Koutou, Tena Tatou Katoa
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all


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