Fry breed

Yesterday I made fry breed with Mrs Heaven. First we had to get a cup and fill it quarter of the way up the cup with warm water. Then we had to put half a tea spoon of sugar into the water and stir around an till it desolves. After it has desolves you had to put half a tea spoon of yeast and just let it sit there. Then we had to get a cup of flower into the boil and pour the cup of water into the boil and stir it around for a little bit. Then we kipped on stiring an tell it got quite hard to stir. Then you had to take it out and put it on the table and roll it around for a little bit then we had to put it into a ball. After a little while we had to flat it down then we had to chuck it into the frying pane with water in it. We had to leave it in there for a little bit and then flip it other antil it is ready or you think it is ready. We had to get a plate and put our fry breed on it and have golden syrup on it if you want or you could of had jam.


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